Your Impossible Voice publishes brash and velvety new work from around the globe, including fiction, poetry, nonfiction, translations, literary reviews, essays, excerpts, art, and interviews.

What We Are Looking For

  • We are most interested in voice-driven, off-center, and innovative work. Please read our most recent issue if you're unsure what that means.
  • All submissions should be of previously unpublished work.
  • We have no minimum word count and rarely publish work longer than 15,000 words.

What You Should Know

  • We publish new work weekly online and two print issues annually. 
  • We accept submissions through submittable. Please do not email us your submissions—we will not consider them.
  • Please do not include your name on your submission itself. 
  • Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but we ask that you withdraw your submission immediately if accepted elsewhere. 
  • If you want to withdraw part of a submission, please email us at 
  • We don't have a preferred document format or font, but we do ask that you make sure it's easily legible.
  • We respond to all submissions, though sometimes it takes us several months. We ask for your patience. You will hear from us.
  • If we have previously published your work, we ask you to wait eighteen months before submitting again.
  • We provide contributor copies and nominate for prizes and awards.
  • Your Impossible Voice acquires first serial rights, non-exclusive electronic rights, and non-exclusive archival rights to the work. Upon publication, all other rights revert to the author.

Beginning in 2023, Your Impossible Voice will begin publishing flash work online on an ongoing basis. 

What You Should Know

  • Work submitted through this link will be considered for our online feature only. If you want your work considered for inclusion in our biannual print issues, please use one of the other submission links.
  • We welcome previously unpublished works of fiction, CNF, or prose poetry between 50-750 words.
  • Multiple submissions are welcome, provided the total word count does not exceed 750 words. Please include all submissions in a single document.
  • Please include a brief third-person bio. 
  • Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but we ask that you withdraw your submission immediately if accepted elsewhere.
  • We don't have a preferred document format or font, but we do ask that you make sure it's easily legible and that your name does not appear on the submission itself.
  • We accept submissions through submittable. Please do not email us your submissions.
  • We respond to all online flash and micro submissions within thirty days.
  • We cannot pay contributors at this time, but we do nominate for awards.
  • Your Impossible Voice acquires first serial rights, non-exclusive electronic rights, and non-exclusive archival rights to the work.
  • Your Impossible Voice publishes new, previously unpublished critical essays on literature and essays on craft on our website. 
  • There is no preferred submission length but shorter pieces will be given greater consideration. 
  • Please make sure your name does not appear on your submission.
  •  Personal essays should be submitted as nonfiction.
  • We offer $50 for solicited book reviews and unsolicited in-depth author retrospectives or essays.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot currently offer payment for unsolicited essays, but we will consider them for publication.

We are always interested in striking images for our front cover. Send previously unpublished submissions in .gif, .jpg, or .png format with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. Please be sure to briefly describe your media in your cover letter when submitting and send no more than THREE at a time. 

Your Impossible Voice accepts fiction submissions year-round. Our active reading periods are December through February and July through September. Sending us your work outside of one of these reading periods won’t hurt your chance of acceptance but may mean it will take us longer to respond to your submission. We accept short stories, flash, micro, translations, and novel excerpts. 

Your Impossible Voice publishes new, previously unpublished interviews with emerging and established writers and artists. There is no preferred length of submissions. Unfortunately we are unable to pay for interviews at this time.

  • Your Impossible Voice prefers reviews of lesser-reviewed works published within the past year. 
  • Reviews should be between 500-2,000 words except in the case of reviewing an author’s entire body of work. 
  • Please make sure your name does not appear on the review itself. 
  • We offer $50 for solicited book reviews and unsolicited in-depth author retrospectives or essays.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot currently offer payment for unsolicited book reviews, but we will consider them for publication.
  • We are particularly interested in small press releases of contemporary translations, works by women, LGBTQIA+, and BIPOC authors.

Your Impossible Voice accepts nonfiction submissions year-round. Our active reading periods are December through February and July through September. Sending us your work outside of one of these reading periods won’t hurt your chance of acceptance but may mean it will take us longer to respond to your submission. We accept essays, memoirs, flash CNF, micro CNF, translations, and excerpts. from larger works.

Your Impossible Voice accepts poetry submissions year-round. Our active reading periods are January through May and August through October. Sending us your work outside of one of these reading periods won’t hurt your chance of acceptance but may mean it will take us longer to respond to your submission. 

Your Impossible Voice